Reimagining the Future of Higher Education Teaching
A Contrastive Evaluation of General Trend Reports and Pandemic-Specific Surveys on Higher Education
The development of the higher education system is the subject of a wide range of prognostic and exploratory studies that provide an outlook on potential future lines of development for the higher education sector. A dozen of those international future and foresight studies and trend reports on a future state of higher education covering a time corridor until about 2060 were identified and evaluated by means of literature research. However, the very dynamic change forced upon higher education institutions that all at once had to use digital technologies and to organise lessons exclusively online due to the COVID-19 pandemic since 2020 could not be anticipated in those foresight studies. It was therefore assumed that the future scenarios for higher education needed to be reassessed in light of the significant changes having occurred in higher education teaching due to the pandemic.
To that end, a selection of international and national surveys on the impact of the pandemic on universities was used to operationalise the changes in higher education teaching in the course of the pandemic. Based on an overview of all the data material, a category-based contrastive analysis a) of a selection of foresight studies and b) of COVID-19-related surveys was carried out. Subsequently, the results of the respective analyses were confronted with each other and conclusions drawn which of the developments predicted in the foresight studies have become significantly more likely as a result of the pandemic-related transformation of teaching and learning emerging since 2020. The results should provide decision-makers in higher education and science policy, university management, deans’ offices, administrations or central institutions with a better understanding of potential medium- and long-term development trends in higher education teaching and learning.
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